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Live, Love, Learn

Another revolution around the sun….

Wow, time flies. How can 365 days pass by so quickly? It’s true that time seems to speed up with each year of our lives particularly as we get older. Can we slow time down? I think we can and I see a few options for doing this.  First, explore more and try new things. If we can fill our minds with new and unique experiences, time will feel longer as we take in all that life has to offer. Second, slow down and take in the views.  Gosh, this is so hard especially as we work and try and squeeze in so much into a day, a week, a month. Spend a minute or two a day looking at the sky, the trees, the flowers.

Lastly, connect with others. The more time we can communicate and really listen to others, our minds will slow down to absorb thoughts and ideas while broadening our human experience. The next time you are with someone or at event, don’t pick up your phone, check email, social media, or the weather, just be in the moment, life will certainly slow down for a few minutes.

Debbie Miller